Monday, August 28, 2006

NBC's Emmy skit insensitive? Give me a break!

So the blogs are all in a hub-bub because NBC ran a skit last night featuring Conan O'Brien where he is inserted in several popular TV shows...24, The Office, LOST. You get the idea? Not unlike what Billy Crystal does at the Oscars.

Check out the skit for yourself...

So why the outcry? Because, the skit starts off with Conan on a plane to L.A. and the plane goes down and he winds up on the Island from LOST. It turns out that Yesterday at 6 AM there was a firey plane crash in Kentucky in which 49 people where killed. Apparently the runway was too short for take-off.

Now I have to ask...what on Earth does this crash, a crash on take-off with 50 people on board have to do with LOST or Conan's skit? The answer, nothing. Plane crashes happen. More people die in car crashes...should we never show movies or shows or skits with car crashes in them?

Are we so PC as a society we can't see unrelated comedy for what it is? I admit the crash was tragic, but the skit was about a TV show...AND they never actually show the plane crash in the skit. People really need to chill out when it comes to "art imitating life" and vice versa.

Give me a break!

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