Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Ongoing debate: Real Snakes in the Theater in AZ
"The 'Snakes on a Plane' in a theater debate rages on in Phoenix. The slithery debate has all of Phoenix buzzing as police and snake experts differ on exactly what happened and how a baby diamondback rattlesnake made its way into a theater complex where the film 'Snakes on a Plane' was being shown.
Snakes on a Plane in a Theater DebateThis much is agreed on. There were not two snakes in the theater as originally reported on Phoenix television. There was one snake in the theater and another in the parking lot of the AMC complex at Tatum and the 101 Freeway in North Phoenix.
*** The National Ledger talked to several Phoenix police officers on Tuesday and the consensus from the department is that one snake was captured by an off-duty female officer in the hallway of the theater complex.She was working on security detail and on site when the incident occured.The baby rattler was literally scooped up with a broom and dustpan and placed in a Tupperware container, Officer Stacie Derge told TNL. The officer on the scene then called the Arizona Herpetological Association and they took the baby rattler.Officers believe that the snake may have entered the complex on its own, perhaps from a construction site nearby.
*** That theory was scoffed at by snake experts. The consensus from those that handle snakes for a living is that the snake was likely placed in the building, perhaps being brought into the cinema in a container placed in a backpack or purse.The theory is that no baby snake could make it across traffic from the construction site and into a building where all of the doors are closed unless people are entering the building. Handlers called it a reckless and dangerous stunt, and if the snake was brought in by a moviegoer they would be correct.
*** The National Ledger also spoke with AMC on Tuesday and they told us that they recognize the release of the film Snakes on a Plane has generated a lot of attention. The spokesperson called the situation an "isolated incident that occurred this weekend at a Phoenix theatre was taken care of immediately and none of our guests were harmed. We hope our guests will continue to respect their fellow moviegoers by not engaging in any disruptive activities during the film and, as always, AMC takes steps that are both proactive and cautionary to ensure the safety and security of our guests and associates." *** The incident has dominated local news now for nearly 24 hours as stories seem to continually change and reports vary. But the general consensus of those interviewed the AMC Desert Ridge 18 theatre was that the whole incident was a little scary and very creepy."
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10:51:00 AM
praises from the masses
Star Trek: Special Editions?
Nooooo!!! First Lucas and Spielberg screwed things up, now somone is monkeying with the original Star Trek series...
"Star Trek is the latest sci-fi classic to get the CGI 'special edition' treatment. According to rumors picked up by, CBS and Paramount have been secretly working on a new version of Star Trek: The Original Series for HDTV. The shows will feature the original episodes with brand new state-of-the-art CGI visual effects, including a a redone title sequence (with re-recorded music). The effects are likely to be limited to the space scenes and not effect the live action scenes, so Edith Keeler will not shoot first. The HDTV Star Trek series will begin broadcasting this fall just in time for the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek."
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10:38:00 AM
praises from the masses
Monday, August 28, 2006
NBC's Emmy skit insensitive? Give me a break!
So the blogs are all in a hub-bub because NBC ran a skit last night featuring Conan O'Brien where he is inserted in several popular TV shows...24, The Office, LOST. You get the idea? Not unlike what Billy Crystal does at the Oscars.
Check out the skit for yourself...
So why the outcry? Because, the skit starts off with Conan on a plane to L.A. and the plane goes down and he winds up on the Island from LOST. It turns out that Yesterday at 6 AM there was a firey plane crash in Kentucky in which 49 people where killed. Apparently the runway was too short for take-off.
Now I have to ask...what on Earth does this crash, a crash on take-off with 50 people on board have to do with LOST or Conan's skit? The answer, nothing. Plane crashes happen. More people die in car crashes...should we never show movies or shows or skits with car crashes in them?
Are we so PC as a society we can't see unrelated comedy for what it is? I admit the crash was tragic, but the skit was about a TV show...AND they never actually show the plane crash in the skit. People really need to chill out when it comes to "art imitating life" and vice versa.
Give me a break!
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3:59:00 PM
praises from the masses
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Update - Real, Hoax or Cover-up? - Snakes in a Theater
First there was the story I sent out a couple days ago from a local Arizona TV station...
Then there were some news stories this AM that said it was just a hoax...
Now there are those questioning wheter it was truly a hoax...or a cover-up?
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12:50:00 PM
praises from the masses
Mark Burnett stirs the Melting Pot
Twenty New Castaways Set To Compete When The 13th Installment Of The Hit Television Series Premieres on Thursday, Sept. 14
Ethnically Diverse Cast To Initially Be Organized Into Four Tribes Divided Along Ethnic Lines
CBS today announced the 20 new castaways who will compete in SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS when the 13th installment of the Emmy Award-winning series premieres Thursday, Sept. 14 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS will feature the series' most ethnically diverse cast to date. The castaways will initially be organized into four tribes divided along ethnic lines (African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic and White) before merging in a later episode.
In addition, throughout the series, at least one castaway each episode will be banished to a separate island (Exile Island) miles away from camp. While being separated from the tribe is not desirable, the castaways will learn that there is a hidden Immunity Idol somewhere on Exile Island. If found, this Immunity Idol could save an individual from being voted out at a future Tribal Council.
If you ask me they should mix up even more. Next time divide team up along religious lines: a team of Muslims, a team of Catholics, a team of Jews, a team of Hindus and a team of Bible Thumpin' fundies (I'll volunteer ;). Then, instead of reward and immunity challanges the goal will to be take Island in the name of their God(s) or convert the rest of the teams to their religion. Last team standing wins :)
for more deets...
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8:25:00 AM
praises from the masses
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
MySpace Profile - Sold Out to the Man
Yeah, so I sold out and got a myspace account...big whoop!
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11:28:00 AM
praises from the masses